
New Lease Accounting Standard

Effective for 2022, private companies that issue financial statements prepared under U.S. GAAP are required to conform to a new lease accounting standard affecting their 2022 financial statements. Changes from the new lease accounting standard should be reflected in annual financial statements issued in 2023.

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Accounting and Bookkeeping You Can Outsource

Maintaining accurate records, keeping track of your company’s finances, bookkeeping, taxes, accounts receivable, accounts payable, and financial reporting takes a lot of time. This may be the right time to get help with these important tasks.

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Feed My Starving Children

As part of our workplace culture, we take time to give back to charitable organizations. Our most recent community effort involved packing meals for malnourished children. Everyone that participated felt grateful for what we take for granted everyday: food.

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Consumer Privacy

By 2023, Google will eliminate cookies and institute Topics, which supports interest-based advertising. A person’s browser will determine a handful of broad topics based on their browsing history. With increased concerns about privacy, many companies have been forced to make changes to how they use data.

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Remote Work and Cybersecurity

In 2020, the FBI reported over a million cybercrime complaints, mostly from identity theft. The time period reported in these statistics corresponds to remote work due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This should be a warning to businesses and individuals who have not taken steps to protect their sensitive information from hacking, phishing, or malware.

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Travel ID

New Arizona Travel ID

Categories: News

The deadline for obtaining a voluntary Arizona Travel ID is May 3, 2023. The Arizona Motor Vehicle Department (DVD) urges everyone to act soon to obtain the new Arizona Travel ID.

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Arizona small business income

Arizona Small Business Income Election

Arizona small businesses may elect to file a separate small business income tax return to report their share of Arizona small business gross income. A taxpayer makes the small business income tax election by timely filing a Small Business Income Tax return along with their timely filed individual income tax form.

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Mergers and acquistions

Mergers and Acquisitions | Analyzing the Deal

How can you tell if a deal makes practical and financial sense? A short question with a complicated answer. Knowing the basics of when or if a deal makes practical and financial sense is helpful, but seeking help from a CPA to analyze the pros and cons is essential.

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What is your plan

Have You Outgrown Your Accounting Firm?

Collaboration with your Arizona accounting firm should be part of your process when making business decisions. Your accounting firm should listen and help you make strategic moves to grow your company. Perhaps, you have heard your accountants refer to themselves as a crossing guard directing traffic, hoping everyone makes it across safe and sound.

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