Arizona Tax Deadline April 15, 2019

The Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) reminds individuals that April 15, 2019 is the tax deadline for filing their individual return. ADOR recommends electronic filing since it is more secure, efficient, and faster than paper returns. With e-filed returns, average refund processing times are currently six days compared to 12 days for paper returns.
Once a return is filed, taxpayers can check on the status of their refund at “Where’s My Refund.” ADOR suggests requesting a direct deposit for refunds. Direct deposit is available whether the return is filed electronically or by mail.
Need Additional Time to File Your Return?
Taxpayers requiring more time to file their returns can fill out Form 204 for a six-month extension. This form needs to be submitted by the April 15, 2019 deadline. However, an extension does not grant a taxpayer more time to pay tax owed. If a taxpayer has already been granted an extension through the IRS, an Arizona extension is not required.
For more information about tax filing requirements, instructions, and answers to frequently asked questions, see ADOR’s website. Also, we are happy to help you with questions regarding your situation.

Need Guidance and Help?
If you need advice, give us a call and we will be happy to discuss your situation.