Arizona and Federal Tax Filing Dates | Estimated Tax Payments

Arizona and Federal Income Tax Filing Date Moved to July 15, 2020
The April 15, 2020 deadline for filing and paying Arizona and federal income taxes for the 2019 calendar year was moved to July 15, 2020. The new deadline includes individuals, trusts, estates, C corporations, S corporations, partnerships, and self-employed. Taxpayers filing tax returns or submitting payments by July 15, 2020 will not be assessed late filing or late payment penalties and interest.
Arizona and Federal Estimated Tax Payments
The Arizona due date for first quarter estimated tax payments due on April 15, 2020 has not changed and remains Wednesday, April 15, 2020. Arizona second quarter estimated tax payments are due on June 15, 2020.
Federal estimated tax payments previously due on April 15, 2020 are now due on July 15, 2020. First quarter 2020 federal estimated tax payments previously due on June 15, 2020 are due on July 15 2020.

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